
Agent Commissions in Medicare and the Impact on Beneficiary Choice

We view our role as an advocacy and educational organization. We serve both consumers and insurance professionals who market Medicare insurance protection. Aetna is the brand name used for products and services provided by one or more of the Aetna group of subsidiary companies, including Aetna Life Insurance Company and its affiliates . As a Medicare sales agent, you can ask for referrals, but you cannot collect phone numbers. Instead, you can ask your clients to refer you to their family members and friends. This helps protect the consumer from unexpected and often expensive events, like a hospital stay. Digital advertising, communication, and outreach by health plans and agents are common sources of Medicare information, and today these efforts compete with nonprofit and government sources for beneficiary attention. Research shows that a growing number of Medicare beneficiaries rely on online tools for at least part of their research and decision-making. All Medicare agents and br

Looking for the Car Insurance Estimate?

Car insurance estimate: How much do you need? Every car buyer goes through a checklist before buying his or her brand new car. The most important aspect of the list is the auto insurance and the car insurance estimate. A car insurance acts as a protection for your car as a whole. Your insurance officer may offer you a varied range of auto insurances depending on the type of vehicle you own, the amount of coverage you need and the number of years you wish to have the protection for, in return of a yearly amount, known as the insurance premium.   car insurance az When you incur a car accident, the cost of damages the car bears is covered by the car insurance you opt for, this, however, does not include any damage incurred above the overall auto insurance amount.The value of your auto insurance estimate is calculated by the IDV or the Insured Declared Value of your vehicle; the IDV is the maximum amount the insurance company is going to pay for the damages your car incurs. The amount

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